Simplify Login
Optimize Operations
Unlock Growth

Our API-first customer identity orchestration platform and comprehensive services help exceed your IT and business needs.

World-class Assurance
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Our offerings are best described with a story

Customer Identity Exptertise

We started by working with amazing brands implementing large scale customer identity platform and programs.


When a much needed tool wasn't available on the market, we built it.

The Next Identity Platform

Before we knew it, we had an orchestration platform that creates exceptional login experiences, reduces operational cost, and accelerates business growth.

Next Reason: Platform and Services

Today, we offer Next Identity as a software license or behind the scenes to supercharge our service offerings.
want to learn about NEXT IDENTITY?
The Next Evolution of Customer Identity Management

Enhanced Login, Registration and SSO

Infinitely flexible user journeys

From passwordless to external providers, we offer frictionless logins for any use case, in 30+ languages that can be customized. User journey is easily plugged in via openId connect or API.

Guard against threats from every angle

Protect your customers with advanced fraud detection and password management tools to detect suspicious activity and prevent unauthorized access.

Low-Code Orchestration

Drag and drop flow builder

Leverage a visual tool to design and tailor user journeys such as signin/signup, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and step-up authentication.

Drag and drop events hooks

Orchestrate flows behind the scenes with the visual Workflows builder such as sending events, calling external services, and enriching authorization.

Operations Focused Tooling

Delegate application onboarding

Let teams create their own branded experiences within your guides and remove the manual onboarding burden.

Automate integration lifecycle management

Ensure all integrations are still active through the inventory management interface and automate offboarding.

Key Insights and Metrics

Track User Activity

Gain insights into user registrations, logins, password resets, API usage, and other CIAM service metrics.

Monitor Feature Usage

Track how effectively new features are being adopted by users, identify any issues, and optimize your digital transformation initiatives.

Our award-winning services maximize opportunity, streamline operations, and mitigate risk

Technology agnostic services designed to meet you where you are in your customer maturity cycle


Global Energy Company

Evaluates Customer Identity Strategy to Propel Future Growth

A global leader in the energy sector, with a diverse portfolio that includes oil and gas exploration, production, and marketing, as well as a growing focus on renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Operating in over 70 countries and serving millions of customers worldwide.

Next Reason's CIAM Assessment and Roadmap focused on key data and compliance areas:

  • Data quality supporting revenue generation: The data architecture needed to improve the quality of the data and be available and accessible to the business partners to use in the analysis of potential new revenue streams. 
  • Customer experience: The data practices needed to be secure and compliant with global regulations such as GDPR, while supporting its transition to a more sustainable energy future. 

Data Inventory and Mapping

Data Sources Identified: Customer data was sourced from multiple systems, including CRM platforms (Salesforce), ERP (SAP), loyalty programs, online customer portals, and IoT devices in energy installations.
Third-Party Integrations: Identified several critical third-party integrations, including partnerships with fuel retail networks, electric vehicle charging providers, and smart home energy management solutions.


Technical Landscape Evaluation

Data Collection & Ingestion: Customer data was collected through channels, including fuel card transactions, loyalty programs, mobile apps, and online platforms. However, there were discrepancies in data capture methods across different regions and business units.
Data Storage & Management: Data was stored across a mix of on-premises and cloud-based systems, with varying degrees of integration and scalability.Data
Processing & Integration:
Data processing involved a combination of legacy systems and modern data platforms, with ETL processes that varied significantly across business units.
Data Security & Compliance: Basic security protocols were in place, including encryption and access controls, but there were concerns about the consistency of these measures across regions.


Revenue Alignment Analysis

Customer Data Utilization for Revenue: Customer data was used for basic segmentation and targeted marketing efforts, particularly in its loyalty programs. However, there was limited use of advanced analytics to drive personalized offers or predict customer behavior.
Data-Driven Revenue Opportunities: There was significant potential in using customer data to enhance renewable energy offerings, such as personalized solar power solutions, electric vehicle (EV) charging services, and energy management tools for smart homes.
Alignment with Business Goals: Customer data strategies were somewhat aligned with its broader business goals, particularly around customer loyalty and marketing. However, there was room for improvement in aligning data initiatives with sustainability and growth objectives.


Security & Compliance Risk Assessment

Risk Identification: Potential risks included data breaches due to inconsistent security practices across regions, non-compliance with GDPR and other regulations, and exposure to risks through third-party partnerships.
Gap Analysis: Inconsistencies in data security practices across regions, outdated compliance procedures, and lack of centralized oversight of third-party data access.
Risk Mitigation Strategies: Enhance data security measures by implementing advanced encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. Tighten controls over third-party data access and develop a crisis response plan for potential data breaches.


Recommendations & Roadmap

Key Findings: The assessment identified fragmented data systems, underutilized customer data, security vulnerabilities, and compliance risks. However, significant opportunities were identified to leverage customer data for revenue growth and support sustainability goals.
Provided detailed data flow diagrams, risk heatmaps, and potential revenue impact charts.
Technical Recommendations:
Standardize data collection and processing methods, migrate to a global cloud-based data warehouse, and implement automated ETL processes.
Revenue Recommendations:
Develop advanced customer segmentation models, predictive analytics, and personalized marketing strategies to drive revenue growth from both traditional and renewable energy customers.
Security and Compliance Recommendations:
Enhance data security protocols, standardize compliance practices across regions, and implement centralized monitoring and auditing tools.

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