Take Control of Your Customer Identity Service with Modern Orchestration

Next Identity Operate empowers you to take control of your increasingly complex CIAM service with modern orchestration tools. Juggling configurations, access management, and cost optimization can become a real headache for growing businesses. Operate simplifies these tasks and streamlines your CIAM operations, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional customer experiences.


Your CIAM service in the palm of your hand


Effortless configuration management

Maintain a clear and customizable overview of your integrations and configurations, with detailed history for easy reference.



Eliminate manual processes by building automated workflows for user journeys, access requests, and other key processes.

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Empowered teams, optimized costs

Delegate access and self-service configuration to application teams, reducing administrative burden and optimizing operational costs.



Gain peace of mind with comprehensive logging and auditing for every change made within your Next Identity platform.



Leverage your existing workforce identity provider for a unified access experience for both administrators and application teams.

Ready to experience the power of modern CIAM orchestration?

Contact us today to schedule a demo and see how Next Identity Operate can transform your CIAM service.

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Your CIAM landscape fully managed on a single and robust platform

Gain Complete Visibility with Customizable Inventory Management

Next Identity Operate's Inventory feature provides a centralized and customizable view of your entire CIAM landscape. Here's what you can achieve:

Build a comprehensive inventory: Create a detailed list of all your integration clients, along with the associated properties or applications they interact with.
Tailor your view: Customize the inventory layout to prioritize the information most relevant to your needs.
Dive deep into configurations: Access and view detailed configuration information for each integration, ensuring clear understanding and easy reference.
Track changes with ease: Maintain a complete audit history of all configuration changes made within your CIAM service, enabling transparency and facilitating troubleshooting if needed.

With Operate's Inventory, you gain complete visibility into your CIAM landscape, empowering you to manage integrations effectively, maintain optimal configurations, and ensure the smooth operation of your customer identity service.

Empower Teams, Optimize Costs with Granular Access Control

Next Identity Operate empowers IT administrators to take control of their CIAM service through a robust Admins feature. This feature enables:

Centralized orchestration: Administrators gain complete control over their CIAM landscape, managing configurations, user access, and overall service operations from a single, centralized platform.
Granular access delegation: Delegate specific access and self-service configuration capabilities to application teams, enabling them to manage their own integration needs without requiring full administrative privileges. This empowers teams while maintaining overall control and security—and optimizes support costs.
Reduced administrative burden: By delegating tasks and self-service capabilities, administrators free up valuable time to focus on strategic initiatives and higher-level management duties.
Optimized operational costs: Streamlined workflows and reduced administrative tasks contribute to significant cost savings in the long run.

Admins empowers both administrators and application teams, fostering operational efficiency, optimizing costs, and ultimately driving a more successful and secure customer identity service.

Tailor Permissions with Flexible Role Management

Next Identity Operate's Roles feature empowers you to create a secure and efficient access control environment for your CIAM service. Here's what you can achieve:

Pre-defined roles: Utilize pre-built roles like "Administrator" or "Application Owner" for a quick start.
Granular permission control: Go beyond pre-defined roles and create custom roles with specific permissions tailored to your unique service needs.
Group similar permissions: Group related permissions together for easier management and assignment to different roles.
Assign roles with ease: Assign appropriate roles to individual users or teams, ensuring they have the necessary access to perform their tasks while maintaining security and compliance.

With Operate's Roles, you can establish a robust permission control system that fosters security, simplifies access management, and empowers your teams to work effectively within your CIAM landscape.

Maintain Complete Auditability with Enterprise-Grade Logging

Next Identity Operate prioritizes security and transparency with its Audit feature, offering comprehensive logging and auditing capabilities for every change made within your CIAM platform. This ensures:

Unwavering transparency: Track and record every action performed within your CIAM service, providing a clear audit trail for all configuration changes, access modifications, and other user activities.
Enhanced security: Gain peace of mind knowing that all changes are meticulously logged, facilitating the identification of potential security breaches and suspicious activity.
Simplified compliance: Meet stringent regulatory requirements and compliance mandates by readily demonstrating a comprehensive audit trail of all CIAM service activity.
Improved troubleshooting: Leverage detailed audit logs for efficient troubleshooting and problem-solving when issues arise within your CIS environment.

With Operate's Audit feature, you gain complete visibility into your CIAM landscape’s activity, enabling you to maintain robust security, ensure compliance, and effectively manage your customer identity service with confidence.

Seamless Access with Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration

Next Identity Operate eliminates the need for juggling multiple login credentials for your CIAM administrators and application teams. Leverage Single Sign-On (SSO) integration to:

Connect your existing workforce identity provider (IdP): Integrate Next Identity with your organization's existing IdP, such as Active Directory or Okta, ensuring a familiar and convenient login experience for users.
Streamlined access for admins and app teams: Grant administrators and application teams access to the Next Identity console using their existing IdP credentials, eliminating the need for separate logins and passwords for Next Identity.
Enhanced security: SSO streamlines access management and centralizes authentication, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential security breaches.
Improved user experience: Users benefit from a single point of access for both their workforce and customer identity management needs, boosting convenience and reducing login fatigue.

By integrating SSO, Next Identity Operate fosters a more secure and user-friendly environment for administrators and application teams, enabling them to manage the CIAM platform efficiently and securely.

Ready to Orchestrate Your Customer Identity Service with Confidence?

Next Identity Operate empowers you to:
Gain complete visibility and control over your CIS with Inventory and Audit features.
Automate complex workflows and streamline operations with Workflows.
Empower teams, optimize costs, and ensure secure access with Admins, Roles, and SSO.
Don't just take our word for it. Schedule a demo today and experience the power of Next Identity Operate firsthand. See how it can transform your CIAM service management and elevate your admin experience.

Contact us now and unlock the potential of modern orchestration! Fill out the form below.
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